Since I saw the movie minority report especially the scene below I was excited about the potential of digital signage and communication overall for the future, The epic Minority Report mall scene where after a retina scan from about 8feet or more away information on past purchases and coupons/offers specific to you are greeting you as you enter the Mall. 10 years after the movie I've witnessed gesture controls through the xbox kinect so controlling a kiosk without touch is possible, amazon for quite sometime has been collecting information on buying habits and presents very accurate suggestions for items you may be interested in, since 2009 (atleast to my knowledge) we even have 3d mapping projectors that are capable of bringing buildings to life (seemingly so).
Forthcoming is the google glass project which is basically a transparent OLED pc built into your glasses lens which accepts voice commands, I must admit i'd prefer communication between my glasses and readers at the mall over retina scans any day, but thats my personal preference.For now we only require the price of these products to drop for us to realise the scene below, (I'll also add the 3d mapping projectors video for those that haven't seen it as yet and the google glass project)
Minority Report Mall scene
Google Glass project
3d Mapping Projector
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